Consulting, Guiding the way
Tree Ordinance Assistance
Primarily focused on residential and commercial developers but not excluding homeowners, SAS can provide the needed assistance in interpreting tree ordinances and recompense. Often times the legal terminology of an ordinance and the scientific terminology of arboriculture just don’t mix. We can decipher the terminology, evaluate the trees on-site, and even provide a detailed report or plans for submittal to local planning boards. Our skilled ISA Certified Arborists know the local codes and, in some instances, assisted in writing them, so we’re prepared to help expedite your tree removal application so you can get to building. We’ll also be there to respond and adjust submitted plans if they are any comment from the issuing authority. Recompense, or the payment for trees removed, can be a tricky subject to face alone. SAS is here for you for every step in the process.
Tree Inventories
Tree inventories pertain to the collection of data on trees in an identified area. Gathering accurate information on tree species, DBH (diameter at breast height), condition, and condition classifying notes allow property owners and developers the essential knowledge in order to manage and maintain their natural assets and/or to develop land. During the inventory process, all trees assessed can be tagged numerically with aluminum identification plates. That tag number then corresponds to the data reflected in the written report.
Customers use the report produced by SAS to ease the process of dealing with tree preservation ordinances in regards to specimen trees and proving site density. The removal of a specimen tree can have a severe influence on the amount recompense paid and each municipality is different in defining a specimen tree. Let SAS help identify the specimen trees you should protect.
Tree Conservation Plans
Tree Conservation Plans (TCPs) are an additional layer of information on top of the tree inventory. These plans are often required and vary in their requirement depending on what municipality or agency you’re dealing with. TCPs provide a formal protection plan for natural assets located on-site needing protection when development occurs. We can identify sensitive environments, trees, and other areas to be preserved through the construction process and mitigate the impacts of those areas. SAS can produce these plans for construction document sets and independently stamp and seal them in the State of Georgia.
SAS will help maximize opportunities for retaining and protecting trees of specimen designation while justifying the removal for those that are not. From pre-development assessment to designing mitigation for tree losses, we will make a substantial contribution to the success of your development proposal.
*Trees as we all know are living organisms and are subject to the natural environment. SAS provides no guarantee as to the longevity of ANY tree as environmental conditions are unpredictable.
Southern Arbor Source provides tree consulting service for east metro Atlanta area including but not limited to Decatur, Conyers, Covington, Monroe, Lithonia, Atlanta, Social Circle, and Madison.

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Contact Us for Emergency Tree Services
[email protected]
(404) 291-1095
Offices in Atlanta and Oxford
235 Ponce De Leon Place | Suite M-152
Decatur, GA 30030-2200
P.O. Box 1354
Oxford, Georgia 30054